Let me set the scene: You are interested in PR services and are either researching PR or meeting with a PR agency. There are words being thrown at you that are making you scratch your head in confusion. If you are curious about using PR services but have a hard time following along in conversations or articles regarding PR, then this blog is for you. This blog is for the PR newbie – the individuals who aren’t familiar with the key words to know in order to understand and be successful in the PR industry.
Public relations isn’t as simple as many would think. Knowing the language will make your life easier when starting out. Aside from knowing the terminology, the actual work involved in public relations takes a lot of time and effort. A lot. Trial and error. It’ll happen. It’s a must in order to grow your skills and be successful. With anything in the business and marketing world, you need to learn hands-on what works, what doesn’t, and what could in the future. The same goes for PR.
I’m here to start with the baby steps – knowing basic public relations terms. If you begin to research PR, start working with a PR agency, or are trying this thing on your own, knowing some key terms will help you understand public relations and better implement PR strategies for your business.
Key Words to Know in the PR Industry
- Boilerplate: This is the section at the end of a press release before the media contact information that gives a brief description of the company, business, brand, product, service, organization, or event discussed in the main body of the press release.
- Byline: The byline is the name printed below the title of a newspaper or magazine article, crediting the author and often includes the date it was publish.
- Clip or Clipping: These two terms are used as a measurement reference in PR and involves physically clipping a story from a publication or documenting an online source to verify your story was published.
- Earned Media: Refers to media coverage that is gained through relationship building, story pitching, and media relations work, as opposed to paid advertising or other paid media placement methods.
- Editorial Calendars: Sometimes abbreviate to “ed cal”, editorial calendars are a schedule of topics media outlets will cover during a specified time (usually by month) or what topics they will cover the entire year – knowing this can give you a starting point for reaching out to an editor about a story you would like published.
- EOD: An acronym meaning “end of day” that is sometimes used when communicating with journalists (ex: EOD – Central Time)
- Lead Time: The amount of time needed by reporters to gather information for their story; the time varies by type of outlet with magazines having the longest lead times and online the shortest.
- News Wire: A service used for the transmission of breaking news to the media or to the public (avoid using if not breaking news).
- Pitch: A highly targeted message that is crafted and sent to a journalist to gauge their interest in your client; this can include photos, videos, and ends with a call-to-action.
- Press Kit: A package of promotional material provided to members of the press to brief them, especially about a product, service, or candidate.
- Press Release: A news announcement usually put out by a representative of a company, organization, or individual.
- Publics: Target audiences of a company, organization, or individual.
- Reach: A measure of the number of persons who viewed a piece of communication (ex: press release). For example, a print publication with a “circulation of 132,000” is a representation of the press release’s “reach”.
- Reputation Management: The PR practice of monitoring, correcting, and enhancing the perception of a brand, individual, organization, or business in the public’s opinion.
- Wire Service: News stories, features, etc., sent by direct line to subscribing or member newspapers and radio and television stations.
The list above are just a few of the major terms to know when it comes to public relations. Knowing these will better help you understand your research findings, communicate to your public relations agency, or…….Read Full Article Below
Source: 15 Key Words You Need to Know in the PR Industry

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